Wednesday, May 18, 2011


U r the love of my life.I knew it right from the star,the moment i look at u.U found the place in my heart. U r the love of my life.U give me reason to live.U taught me how to be strong. with u is where i belong.
    No 1 ever touch me,like the way u touch me,people such a life time.To find what we have. U r the love of my life.1 thing that good in this life.I'll spend the rest of my day. just loving u. 

    U r the love of my life. The heart and soul of my life. When i was standing alone with u,unless i am home.U give me so much of u.And make me won't to be free. U r the love of my life. 1 thing that good in this life.Ain't didn't world full of change. 1 thing and show of. U r the love of my life.

    1 thing that make sense in this life. Love the best thing in my day just loving u. U r the love of my life.And i thanks of god i'm alive,to spend my life time with u.
u r the love of my life...

belom sempat tulis diary arini...

cam biase la..xde yg menarik utk dikongsikan..
hidop aku selalu,akan terjadi perkara2 yg tak berfaedah..(tapi bukan yg berdosa tau)kekeke..
   oooyer,,,mlm td org kg.aku meninggal sbb xcident...nama arwah tuh Razman B.Mohamad...
sama kite sedekahkan alfatihah yer...
itulah...ajal maut ditgn yg nampak sihat segar bugar tibe2 hilang sekelip mata..
org yg sakit bertahun2 masih lg panjang umur...
          wallahualam....mudah2an semua insan2 yg aku syangi dberikan kesihatan yg baik & dipanjangkan umur...
rasanyer aku tak bersedia utk kehilangan org2 yg aku sayani lagi,,,,cukup lah arwah mak sorg yg pergi...
lame rasanya aku nak sembuh dari kesedihan dulu......
semoga aku diberikan keikhlasan & ketabahan menempuhi hari yg penuh dugaan & cabaran..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nora Elena

                                             Siti Saleha & Aaron Aziz

Monday, May 16, 2011

my facebook


tak faham aku ngn perangai org nie...kalo tak suka tegur jelah....kenape msty nak marah2....
sakit ker ape?? ingat org nie batu ker takde perasaan...
sikit2 marah sikit2 maki....bodoh tol...
ko nak merasa makan kaki ker???
xpe selagi aku leh sabar aku sabar...kalo aku meletus nnt jgn tny kenape kaki aku duk dalam mulot ngko!!..